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Rooster with red comb

Cockscomb is fleshy growth or a bead above the head of galliformes, especially turkeys, pheasants and domestic chickens. Cocks are generally larger in males than females. Chicken combs are red, but in other species colors may vary from light gray to dark blue, turkey combs can vary in color from bright red to blue. Cockscomb  can also be an indicator of health for several types of birds. Pet chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) are poultry that are usually kept by people to be used for the needs of their livelihoods. Pet chickens are direct descendants of one of the subspecies of partridge known as red jungle fowl or bangkiwa chicken (bankiva fowl). Cross-breeding between chicken races has produced hundreds of superior strains or pure strains with various functions; the most common are cut chicken (to be cut) and laying hens (to be taken for eggs). Ordinary chickens can also be crossbred with close relatives, green partridges, which produce a male sterile hybrid (roost...

Frangipani (Adenium) Flowers in blooms

Adenium or Japanese Cambodia (Japanese frangipani name itself is actually misleading because it can be identified with Cambodia, which is often found in the cemetery area. While the Japanese word frills as if this flower originated in Japan, even though Adenium originated in West Asia and Africa) originated from dry desert area, from the land of West Asia to Africa.

The name there is desert rose. Because it comes from a dry area, this plant grows better when the media is dry compared to too wet. It is referred to as Adenium because one of Adenium's places of origin is the Aden area (Capital of Yemen).


Indonesian people named Adenium as Japanese frangipani, probably associated with circulating stereotypes. For example, large fruits are commonly referred to as Bangkok, while small plants are commonly called Japanese. Therefore, if in the past there was already a Cambodian with a tall, tall plant, so there were plants that were small but frangipani, called as Japanese frangipani.
Actually Cambodia is a type of Plumeria, a distant relative of Adenium. Some differences between Adenium and Plumeria are as follows.
Adenium has large trunks with the bottom resembling tubers, but the figure of the plant itself is small with long, small leaves. Adenium root can also enlarge to resemble tubers.

Plumeria has a small trunk that extends without tubers, with a large plant that can grow tall, with long and large leaf shapes.
The enlarged adenium root like a tuber is a place to store water as a backup during drought. This enlarged root when raised above the ground will form a unique impression like bonsai. While the soft stems are not woody (also called succulent), but can be enlarged.

Side shoots can grow from buds on fallen stems or leaves. The side buds will function (grow) when the top of the plant is cut. This is what people do when running or pruning, to get new leaves and so that the flowers that will appear later are more simultaneous.

Adenium leaves have a variety of types, oval, pointed, small and large, and some are downy, some are without feathers. While adenium flowers are shaped like trumpets, petals 5, with a variety of colors according to the type (variety) of each. Now the flower petals have been developed and the results are good, even the flower petals resemble those of a rose.

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